
Experiments in creating my own path and living on purpose. Sometimes lost, occasionally found, and often inspired.

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Pack lightly. You wont need a lot. Once you get there, you’ll remember how little need there is to accessorize.

Tell your family about work, but not too much. It’s mostly not that important. Instead, ask them about life and listen.

Take a catnap on the porch. Start a new book. Fully enjoy and savor those first few pages.

Pick vegetables from the garden. Eat a light and healthy meal. Maybe garnish it with some edible flowers. Immediately you’ll feel nourished. (more…)

How do you honor the things that matter to you most when other responsibilities take precedent? How do you live with the contradiction of what you believe in and what the reality of your circumstances demand? This post explores these questions and was recorded on my iPhone, mid-way through a 90 minute commute home. The plan was to use it as reference to write up a post. After hearing the recording, however, I realized that I needed to share it as is – interruptions and all. It was the authentic medium for this message.