
Experiments in creating my own path and living on purpose. Sometimes lost, occasionally found, and often inspired.

#21. Confessions of a Job Seeker – Dec. 2013
This series is based on a design journal that I kept between 09/12 – 02/13. New? Start here.

21. Lacking Nothing_cropped

I was in mid-backbend when my yoga instructor hit me with some major wisdom. As he guided me into a high arch, I struggled to breathe in contortion while he announced to the rest of the class “you are not your body, you are not your mind, and you are not your job.”  I immediately understood. I had completely attached my identity to Joyo.

I was able to see the irony in this and almost laughed out loud. It had taken me losing what felt like everything, in order to understand that I am in fact, lacking nothing. The accumulation of events had slowly stripped me down and it was only there, in all of my loss that I could finally see what had been true all along. I am whole as is.

This realization was crucial and key to my ability to let go. It marked the beginning of a phase where I found myself to be more raw and alive then I had been in a long time. With this perspective in hand I discovered that there is both power and freedom in lacking nothing. It meant that I could let go of petty worries and false beliefs to instead focus on what really mattered. It meant that I could do less and as a result be more.